A Taste of Batik to Come from Dinah and Tony’s Eccentric Encyclopaedia

I’m currently preparing a book, which includes many of Tony’s and my  batik pictures.  They all feature NZ’s past and present. Some are caricatures. The pix and text are just a taste of what this book will include. Continue reading A Taste of Batik to Come from Dinah and Tony’s Eccentric Encyclopaedia

The Premier’s House

The Premier’s House

Written and Devised by Dinah Priestley.

In the 1980s we were in danger of losing the Premier’s House with all its history dating back to 1843. But it’s history meant nothing to various developers who disparaged its “mixed building styles” and advised we should knock it down. This is the history of Continue reading The Premier’s House

The 21 March 2019 Supermoon, or the more common name, Perigee Syzygy of the Sun, Earth and Moon system.


Most models of the Moon orbiting the Earth depict its orbit as being circular but we know from Kepler’s Laws that celestial bodies orbit one another in an ellipse rather than a circle. What this means is that sometimes the Moon is closer to the Earth than at other times in its orbit. When this is combined with the Moon being a Full Moon then it’s commonly known as a Supermoon. The last of these occurrences for this year is tonight, the 21 March 2019. At 8:30pm the Moon was 360,242 km away, about the distance it takes light to travel in 1.2 seconds. This is the third Supermoon this year, so basically all of the full Moons this year have been Supermoons.

By comparison the full Moon in August last year was 399,892 km away (1.33 light seconds) and its diameter appeared to be 29.9 arc minutes. Compare that…

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Available as a book! Buy on the Website! For God’s Sake Saddle Me a Donkey

For God’s Sake Saddle Me a Donkey is finally available as a book with Dinah’s wonderful illustrations!

It costs 25NZD and 3NZD packaging and posting.

Free delivery in Thorndon, please contact Dinah on the phone (04-4727 257) or e-mail

Alternatively, you can buy the book on PayPal if you live in New Zealand.



Launched as a book at last – FGSSMAD

On Wednesday, 13th of December my beloved book, For God Sake Saddle Me  A Donkey, launched in written form at the Millwood Gallery, Thorndon and is available at leading book stores, such as Marsden Books and Unity in Wellington and Wheelers in Auckland or from me, send me an email please. Continue reading Launched as a book at last – FGSSMAD